Revlon Buttercup

Hi everyone!

Quick post today to show you swatches of Revlon Buttercup, a pastel yellow nail polish. Formula is watery but dense at the same time. You don’t expect anything different from a pastel nail polish though. And it’s not the worst I’ve ever tried anyway. You need two coats for full coverage, plus a top coat to smooth the surface.

Smalto Revlon Buttercup nail polish

Smalto Revlon Buttercup nail polish

Smalto Revlon Buttercup nail polish

It’s such a perfect shade for Spring and for a variety of nail arts. Let’s say I love the colour but I’ll keep looking for a dupe with a better formula.

What do you think about it? Would you wear it?


  1. ce l'ho uguale (anzi no, il mio è shimmerino) della essence: non è un colore che amo e infatti lo uso poco ma come stesura non dà problemi :)

    1. Ehhh ma lo shimmer aiuta mica poco! Anche io ne ho uno Essence shimmer, ma non lo uso mai, non mi piace altrettanto :/

  2. This is very pretty! Two coats is quite good for this kind of color. I love pastel yellows but I tend to stay away from them after my Orly Lemonade fiasco :D

  3. I'd wear it! That yellow is so soft. It's always something with pastel formulas, though, I totally agree.

  4. I'm shocked that you were able to get that opaque in two coats! Normally I have to do three for most pastels. But, that shade looks really pretty on you!

  5. I think it is cute! I would definitely wear it.

  6. Looks great on your nails dear. :-)

  7. It's beautiful! But these shades tend to have awful formulas.. they should really do something about that ;) Can't wait to see the nail art though!

    1. The nail art was a fail, I don't think it will ever make it to the blog!

  8. Giallo è uno dei colori che non mi piacciono tanto, ho soltanto 3-4 boccette di smalti gialli. Però, questo tipo di giallo pastello mi piace e a me è risultato particolarmente attraente in combinazione con il blu (ad esempio fiori blu sullo sfondo giallo) :-)

    1. Vero!! Anche io adoro giallo e blu, e anche giallo e grigio!

  9. oh, i love it, it's such an interesting shade

  10. It is very pretty and delicate shade.

  11. This looks so pretty, I would definitely wear it! I love pastel yellows but they always have such tricky formulas as you will know

  12. To be totally honest i have never worn a yellow nail polish in my entire life! Yellow are my Mothers favourite shade and i do have only ONE shade of this polish in my drawer, think i must give it a go at some stage. I'm not such a big fan of pastels, but once in a while i would paint my nails with them.

    1. I think yellow is a very underrated shade so I totally understand. I am no fan of pastel yellows alone, although I'd need a good one for nail arts. I love bright yellows creme though!


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