TNS Atomic 79 + golden French manicure

Hi everyone!

This post was meant for yesterday but I went purchasing my new wardrobe and it took sooooo long! Let’s hope it’s pretty though. The wardrobe. The post, too.

Last week I was looking at manicures from Milan Fashion Week runway and nude nails were the most seen obviously. You want clothes and accessories to be in the spotlight after all. I noticed something new to me though. A new trend maybe? Total gold manis, and total silver, too, but less of the last. Basically gold nails on a par with nude nails, no longer a festive only colour, nor a colour meant to catch attention. Gold can be worn every day and go unnoticed. I am no gold fan, mostly because it clashes with my skin tone, but I was kinda happy about it.

That said, this week’s 30 Days Colour Challenge theme is gold! Perfect timing! For that I am showing you TNS Atomic 79 again, which I’ve quickly swatched when I introduced Italian brand TNS last F/W collection. It now won its own blog post.

TNS Atomic 79 is a cold gold nail polish, very pigmented and with a metallic finish. Application is always great with TNS Cosmetics. This is a salon brand so it’s expected to be good I guess. You get perfect coverage at first coat already, but two are always recommended. Unfortunately metallic finishes means brushstrokes. The only way to avoid them is to sponge your last coat and top coat immediately after.

Photos: two coats, no top coat.

Smalto oro TNS Atomic 79 gold nail polish

Smalto oro TNS Atomic 79 gold nail polish

Smalto oro TNS Atomic 79 gold nail polish

French dorata con smalto TNS Atomic  79 - Gold French nail art manicure

An alternative to total gold might be a golden French mani.

What do you think of this idea from Milano Fashion Week? Golden nails every day yay or nay?


  1. Gold French look awesome. Total gold is gorgeous too. Loved it.

  2. direi che come french ci guadagna!

  3. a me piace di più su tutta l'unghia o, se proprio usato come french, non in abbinata col nude :) :) <3

  4. I love this! I always love French manis with unique colors.

  5. The gold french mani is so sophisticated!

  6. This is such a pretty gold! The French mani is so elegant.

  7. So pretty, you can never go wrong with a great french tip! :)

  8. wow, this is a beautiful color!! I love the golden French mani, too

  9. The French manicure you did with this gold looks lovely! And I'm not usually a fan of Frenches - you just found a way to do it right!

  10. Mi piacciono tutti e due le versioni :-) Mi dispiace che ho le unghie troppo corte, guardando la tua french manicure mi è venuta voglia di fare una uguale :-)

    1. Grazie! Anche con le unghie più corte si può fare una French, magari molto fine la linea, no?

  11. This gold looks great on you!! I love that you used instead of white for the french tip design!


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