Turquoise kaleidoscope nail art

Hi everyone!

Today I am showing you the stamping I did over Femme Fatale Gentlemen’s Scuffle. I used once again Kaleidoscope BPX-L021 stamping plate and  Bornpretty special stamping polish in light blue (no.9). I love this plate. I purchased it for the patterns on the right side but I keep using the ones on the left, too.

Turquoise kaleidoscope nail art

Turquoise kaleidoscope nail art

Turquoise kaleidoscope nail art

I am so in love with this nail art myself. I wore it until my nails were too chipped to go out haha. I would recreate it anyday though. I love every single detail, from the colours to the pattern. I shouldn’t say that myself though so you tell me, do you like this stamping attempt as much as I do? I hope so!


  1. E' proprio carina! ADORO quella plate :D

  2. Yes, you nailed it. No doubt about it! Very well done. <3

  3. Your stamping is so neat and perfect!

  4. Have all the BPX plates on my wish list, everyone I've seen is amazing z

    1. They are really good! I have the first ones but not the newest yet.

  5. Wow your stamping turned out great! Its so crisp and clean =)

  6. This is one beautiful combination! And the stamping is so neat, placed perfectly in the middle like that, I always have trouble with that!

  7. Mi piace veramente tanto, è una stampa nitida, precisa e l'effetto finale è bellissimo! :-)

  8. This motif and colours look so well together. Great stamping.

  9. la trovo stupenda!!


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