Sation Plenty of Frogs

Hi everyone!

Back with a green nail polish again. It’s the colour of the year after all so you’ll forgive me.

Sation Plenty of Frogs is a shade of green that I can’t really describe. I think I have nothing quite like it in my collection. It’s packed with very visible silver shimmer. Application is very easy but you need three coats for full coverage. It dries slightly opaque so you definitely need a top coat here.

Photos: three coats + top coat.

Smalto Sation Plenty of Frogs nail polish

Smalto Sation Plenty of Frogs nail polish

Smalto Sation Plenty of Frogs nail polish

This is my second Sation nail polish (the other one being Sation Oh My Oceania!) and both are great for quality and colour uniqueness. It’s such a shame this brand is not very famous, or even discontinued. Fortunately you can still shop some colours online and I am seriously contemplating buying more shades before it’s too late.

What’s your opinion? Can you name something similar to Sation Plenty of Frogs?


  1. The shimmer in this is so pretty!

  2. Love every green you swatch here. It suits you dear. This is a one more happy shade. :-)

  3. Very nice spring shade. Love the shimmer too.

  4. The little sparkles of this green are so beautiful!

  5. Yes!! I wish this brand were easily to find. The few I have are great but all sent to me by a friend who has them in a nail supply.

  6. Oooh, the microflakes in this make it totally yummy!

  7. Ohh I love the shimmer! I actually forgot about this brand!

  8. Grern is my favorite color! I love the shimmer in this!

  9. Your photos are really great, i like green shades to, but this one looks very good on you.

  10. Una tonalità di verde molto particolare, mi piace tanto :-)

  11. This is lovely! That shimmer is so pretty

  12. I love that shimmer, and the shade is perfect for spring looks I think :)

  13. I only have a few shades of this brand, and this green is definitely one of my favorites!


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