China Glaze Pack Lightly

Hi everyone!

Today I am showing you a nail polish that was a big fail for me.

China Glaze Pack Lightly was released back in 2015 in the Road Trio collections. It’s a pink leaning peach filled with a lovely golden shimmer that gives it quite a special pearl effect. Unfortunately the formula is awful. It’s very watery and if you don’t unload the brush you will flood your cuticles with polish. Coverage is poor, and it doesn’t help that you have to do thin coats. That also leads it to never dry.

So, hard to apply and the result is still not decent. This is a big no-no for me. And I am quite sad about it because I’ve always loved China Glaze.

Photos: 4 coats, no top coat (you can see that there are still bald spots).

China Glaze Pack Lightly

China Glaze Pack Lightly

China Glaze Pack Lightly

I don’t think there’s much more to say. Do you own any piece of the Road Trip collection? Or any other China Glaze that disappointed you?



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