Faby First Class

Hi everyone!

Today I am showing you Faby First Class, from 2017 Spring-Summer collection I’m by this Italian brand.

Faby First Class is a medium brown crème. It applies easily and it’s quite opaque, as most Faby nail polishes. Drying time is quick and it’s quite glossy.

Photos: two coats, no top coat.

Smalto Faby First Class nail polish

Smalto Faby First Class nail polish

Smalto Faby First Class nail polish

When my boyfriend saw me wearing brown he asked me why. He knows me well by now and he knows I tend to wear colours depending on the season, and mostly on the weather outside. And these days it’s good sunny weather and 27°C over here. Why brown then? This shade, together with taupe, is one of my go-to shades, those colours that are always good. I find them the most elegant and feminine. And elegance has no season. Faby’s I’m collection is inspired by Mrs Fabiana, aka Mrs Faby, founder of the brand. I think First Class was created exactly with her elegance in mind.

What do you think of brown nails? And what’s the shade that mostly expresses elegance and femininity in your opinion?

Useful links:

*pr sample



  1. I like brown shades but usually just as base for nail art. I like the creamy finish of FABY.

    1. Thank you Andrea! I tend to use more neutral shades for nail arts I think!

  2. Sono d'accordo con quello che hai scritto, questo colore sembra un passe-par-tout ed è molto elegante. Quello che farei io è accompagnarlo con una stampa delicata, magari silver... :-)

    1. Grazie cara! Come ti ho detto qualche giorno fa uso l'argento troppo poco, devo rimediare!!!

  3. Like I said earlier, yum yum yum! I kinda want to nibble your nails ;)
    I think this is indeed very classy! I'm pondering what shade is most feminine to me... perhaps a burgundy, dark red sort of shade...

  4. I love the range of neutral hues. This color looks amazing on you.

  5. This color looks wonderful on you!! I only ever wear brown nail polish in nail art, but you have me rethinking that now

    1. Well I usually wear a full colour when I paint my nails and add nail art the day after so I get both!

  6. I haven't heard of this brand before but I must agree - that brown looks lovely on you!

    1. Thank you Kerry! It's an Italian brand but they have distributors pretty much all over the globe. I'm quite sure you'll hear about them soon!


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