Faby Ciao Bella

Hi everyone!

Today I am showing you another shade from Faby I’m collection.

Faby Ciao Bella is a lovely candy pink crème. You need three coats for perfect coverage due to its watery formula. Drying time is quick though.

Photos: three coats, no top coat.

Smalto Faby Ciao Bella nail polish

Smalto Faby Ciao Bella nail polish

Smalto Faby Ciao Bella nail polish

Faby Ciao Bella is not the best pastel pink I’ve ever used, nor the worst. Its watery formula is somewhat unusual for this kind of shades. Colour is very pretty, I really liked it. It would make a perfect base for a delicate coloured nail art.

What do you think? Do you like pink nails? If yes, which is your favourite pink nail polish?

Useful links:


*pr sample



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