Glittery blue zebra nails

Hi everyone!

Today I have a blue zebra nail art to show you!

I started with H&M Silver Fern as my base, and added some glittery turquoise from the tips to about half of the nail. I let it dry shortly and stamped a geometric pattern from Bornpretty’s BPX-L020 “Geometry” stamping plate. The pattern is very big for my nails and ended up looking like a zebra as you can see.

As usual I sealed my nail art with Essence XXXL Gel Look top coat.


Glittery blue zebra nail stamping nail art feat. H&M Silver Fern and Geometry BPX-L020 stamping plate

Glittery blue zebra nail stamping nail art feat. H&M Silver Fern and Geometry BPX-L020 stamping plate

Glittery blue zebra nail stamping nail art feat. H&M Silver Fern and Geometry BPX-L020 stamping plate


What do you think of my blue zebra nails?

Nail stamping plate BPX-L020 Geometry at Bornprettystore

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  1. Yup, it's an amazing stamper! Looks too cool with this image!

  2. I really need to get that plate out!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Tenho essa plaquinha.
      Ficou bom assim.

      Yes, it's pretty!

  4. Veramente una bellissima manicure! La stampa è molto nitida e mi piacciono i colori che hai usato! :-)

  5. Adding the turquoise to the tips was the perfect something extra for this. I'm digging it! Can't go wrong with animal prints in any color!

    1. Thank you! I seldom do animal prints, but every time I do I fall in love with them!

  6. Wow bellissima, mi piace un sacco :-)

  7. Nice outcome. Love the gradient that peaks through the stamped pattern. Looks exotic!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. E' bellissima questa nail art! Un tempo mi ci dilettavo molto anche io, ultimamente però non ne ho più fatte, forse perché mi manca l'ispirazione!
      Vedendo le tue creazioni però mi viene voglia di riprendere!
      Complimenti, sei bravissima!!
      Un bacione!

      Io non sempre riesco a farle, ma quando ho tempo mi piacciono!

  9. I see an optical illusion mani, but whatever it is, it's so pretty. Love that base color.

    1. I guess the pattern was meant to look like that but I just see a zebra!

  10. It looks great. I think it would look even better matte.


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