Shaka Acquamarine

Hi everyone!

Today I’m showing you an Italian nail polish, which is only available over here right now I think.

Shaka Acquamarine is a pretty aqua green with silver shimmer, that looks turquoise thanks to the base colour. Coverage is not that good, you need three coats for a smooth colour. You also got to be careful that the colour underneath is well dry before adding another coat or it will drag it. Application is easy though, the formula is on the watery side but workable. Drying time is a bit longer than usual.

Photos: three coats, no top coat.


Shaka Acquamarine

Shaka Acquamarine

Shaka Acquamarine


If I am right Shaka Acquamarine was released in Summer 2016 but I’ve recently saw a full display of it so it was probably just re-released.

What do you think of this nail polish? Isn’t it a pretty shade?




  1. Quanto è carino questo smalto, mi piace il colore è luminoso!
    Spero di trovarlo nel mio OVS!
    Quando scade la promo degli smalti??
    Un bacione!

    1. 11/6! Avevo messo la foto della promo in foto al post con le date!

  2. Beautiful shimmer!

  3. The formula sounds bit tricky...but that shade looks beautiful on you. 😊

    1. Thank you! I might admit I prefer brighter shades on my skin tone.


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