Color Club Wham! Pow!

Hi everyone!

It’s summertime and I just feel like wearing neon nails right now. So please be patient while I show you so many neons from the 2010 Poptastic collection by Color Club!

After Warhol, my favourite, and Poptastic, that I showed you last week and that takes the name from the collection, it’s now time for orange Wham! Pow!

Color Club Wham! Pow! is a neon highlighter orange nail polish. It’s perfect to wear during the good season. Application is easy despite its age and you get an ok coverage in three coats (no full coverage though). I should recommend you use a white base under neons because it enhances the colour. I didn’t this time and I regret it. Wham! Pow! dries matte, which is common for neons. A good top coat helps getting the gloss back and makes it last longer.

Photos: three coats + top coat.


Color Club Wham! Pow! smalto nail polish

Color Club Wham! Pow! smalto nail polish

Color Club Wham! Pow! smalto nail polish


I like bright oranges on my nails but I have to admit this isn’t my ever favourite neon orange. I am still in love with my Wycon 600 which I have always used over a white base now that I think of it. I should give Wham! Pow! a second chance maybe then!

Talking of Color Club Poptastic collection my favourite is still Warhol!

What’s up with you and orange? Do you like it and have a favourite maybe?



  1. Cavolo adoro questo smalto!! Trovo che il colore arancio sia perfetto per questa stagione!!
    Non sapevo che gli smalti neon fossero consigliati su base bianca, grazie del consiglio!
    Un bacione!

    1. Prego! Fammi sapere se provi con la base e se noti cambiamenti!

  2. Wonderful finish and the color is indeed WOW.


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