TNS 519 Green Apple

Hi everyone!

Today I am showing you a nail polish by TNS Firenze which is an Italian professional brand existing for more than 30 years.

Nail polish is no. 519 Green Apple*, and that’s also a perfect description for the colour. As all TNS nail polish it applies like butter. The brush shape, which is flat and rounded does help for sure. Coverage is high and drying time is quick.

Photos: two coats + TNS Flash top coat.


Smalto TNS 519 Green Apple

Smalto TNS 519 Green Apple

Smalto TNS 519 Green Apple


This is another hit by TNS in my opinion. They never disappointed me anyway! You can definitely feel it’s a professional product, manicure time becomes a moment of pleasure. I also love the shade, bright and happy.

What do you think? Green nails for you?


*pr sample – campione gratuito



  1. I need this polish! This is so perfect!

  2. Ho sentito parlare da poco di questi prodotti TNS, e ho sentito sempre pareri positivissimi!
    Mi sono già informata e ho trovato qualche punto vendita vicino a me, spero di provare presto uno di questi smalti, e magari inizierei proprio da questo, è un colore bellissimo!
    Un bacione!

  3. Ohhh, I love that shade of green!!

  4. What a lovely, bright shade of green!

  5. That is seriously such a great shade of green!

  6. It's such a fun and vibrant colour. Just looking at it put smile on my face.


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