Zoya Caitlin

Hi everyone!

Today I’m showing you swatches of quite an old nail polish! Zoya Caitlin was released as part of Zoya Spring 2011 Intimate collection. My photos are quite old, too! They are from April when I had to chop down all my nails due to too many breakages. Spring and Fall are so bad for my nails and hair.

Zoya Caitlin is well described as a smoky purple-tinged medium gray. I think it’s a sophisticated and chic shade, I would probably use the same words to describe Zoya as a brand, too. Application was easy and you get perfect coverage with two coats. Drying time is average and finish is quite glossy.

Photos: two coats, no top coat.


Smalto Zoya Caitlin nail polish

Smalto Zoya Caitlin nail polish

Smalto Zoya Caitlin nail polish


This shades makes a difference from my latest blog posts for sure! Honestly I wouldn’t wear it right now, I follow the seasons so bad when it comes to what colours to wear. Anyway, I know this is a neutral shade and there are people wearing it all year long for sure.

What do you think? Do you like it? Are you also season-bound when it comes to wearing certain shades?



  1. This is easily one of my favorite Zoya shades of all time.

  2. I don't follow the seasons, if I like it, I'll wear whenever.

  3. Molto bello questo colore! Non sono tipo da seguire le stagioni, se un colore mi piace lo metto!! Comunque penso che venga da se il fatto di prediligere i colori in base alle stagioni...in estate siamo più attratti da colori vivaci, mentre in inverno si vedono di più i classici bordeaux, rosso, nero ecc...

    1. Hai ragione Emanuela! Infatti lo faccio perchè mi viene naturale, non per una cosa ragionata!

  4. Very different from what you usually wear but totally gorgeous!

  5. I love the dusty shade of this. Their creams are always so good!

    1. I agree! Their cremes are fantastic. I've had worse experiences with their shimmer to be honest.

  6. Zoya always makes the best cremes!

  7. Beautiful color, and I think shorties look good on you!

    1. Awww thank you Karen! I go for shorter nails than I was used to, but I still prefer them square!

  8. Non seguo tanto le stagioni per portare alcuni colori, seguo le mie sensazioni, tipo "che colore mi ispira oggi?"... :-) E sono abbastanza "prevedibile", vado molto spesso sul blu, grigio, argentato... :-) Questo è uno dei colori che mi andrebbe di portare spesso! :-)

    1. Anche io vado a ispirazione... ma d'estate è sempre ispirazione di colori accesi o holo e d'inverno sempre scuri ahah!!


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