Berenice 06 Pink Secret

Hi everyone!

Today I’m introducing you a new brand that I got to know about thanks to Instagram. I also won a giveaway and got a few of their nail polish shades and a nail care product. I’m talking about Berenice Beauty, which is a Suisse brand launched in 2015 after years spent researching the “breathable” nail polish system. The chemists at Berenice Beauty developed this idea until they released their first nail polish line, which is entirely based on this formula and meant to be a salon product. Maybe you’ve already heard about breathable nail polish, I’m thinking about Orly for example. Basically they say nails need oxygen as a nutrient so nail polish has to enable them to breathe. Berenice Beauty products are also 5-free which means they are free from toluene, DBP, formaldehyde resin, phthalates and camphor.

But let’s see today’s star! Berenice n. 06 Pink Secret is a muted pink creme and it’s one of the classic shades from the brand. I had high expectations about a professional products, let’s see if it delivered. Application was easy but the brush picks up a lot of product therefore you need to unload it more than usual. I wasn’t ready for that so I literally flooded my cuticles on the first two nails. Then I got the hang of it. The colour is very opaque at first coat already but I did two anyway. Drying time is quite slow, when I applied my top coat the brush was red stained that means the polish underneath wasn’t fully dry. Lasting time is the worst part: I already had tip wear on day 1, and by day 2 you could clearly see the white tip line. I used a new top coat though so I am not sure who’s to blame. I will update the post as I use it more.

Photos: two coats + top coat.


Smalto rosa Berenice 06 Pink Secret nail polish

Smalto rosa Berenice 06 Pink Secret nail polish

Smalto rosa Berenice 06 Pink Secret nail polish


The shade is very pretty, not too red and not too pink. It’s such a shame about lasting time. I wouldn’t normally bother because I change my manicure so often but these days I am so tired I either go for naked nails or hope my polish lasts forever. Let’s see how the next colours behave.

Have you ever heard of Berenice Beauty? And do you believe nails breathe?


Useful links:



  1. Very nice shade, that`s a shame it didn`t last well. As far as I know nails and hair don`t breathe ;-)

  2. Peccato per la durata (...sempre se è la colpa dello smalto e non del top coat...), il colore è bello, ricco e mi piace! :-)

    1. Sto usando ancora quel top coat e non è più successo. Ho proprio paura che sia lo smalto :(

  3. Nails breathe... I dunno.. Either way, I always apply top coat, so that would immediately negate the effect, lol!
    I love the shade of this polish, but the fact that it chips off zo fast is very disappointing. I need at least 2 days of wear time! I'm curious to see how the other shades behave!

    1. They actually have a breathable base and top coat, too, but I don't own them.
      I need 2 or 3 days wear time, too!

  4. What a lovely dusty shade! Sucks about the lasting time though.

  5. I love pink polishes, especially rich deep ones like this.

  6. I've never heard of Bernice, I'm going to check them out. Love this color!

  7. Il colore è bellissimo, ma la durata, per essere un brand da estetista mi lascia perplessa...
    Peccato davvero :-(


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