Finaflor Sou Ciumenta

Hi everyone! Today I am showing you a nail polish that comes from far away, as I sometimes do. It’s again a Brazilian brand actually: Finaflor.

Finaflor Sou Ciumenta is a medium blue creme. Formula is very creamy and the colour is quite opaque. I was scared it would stain my nails because I had quite a hard time cleaning around the cuticles. Happy to report it didn’t happen! It removed fast and left no traces at all. Unfortunately I can’t tell you anything about drying time because I used an awful top coat that messed it all up.

Photos: two coats, no top coat.


Smalto blu Finaflor Sou Ciumenta blue nail polish

Smalto blu Finaflor Sou Ciumenta blue nail polish

Smalto blu Finaflor Sou Ciumenta blue nail polish


This nail polish is pretty and quality seems good, but it didn’t wowed me for some reason. I guess there are a billion blues out there exactly like this one, and a lot that I like more that this. Anyway I always love trying foreign brands so it stays in my collection!

Do you like trying foreign brands? Maybe you buy some bottles when you travel abroad?



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