Berenice 42 Enigma

Hi everyone!

Today I'm showing you the second nail polish I own from Suisse brand Berenice. As I've already mentioned when I blogged about Berenice Pink Secret this brand sells a range of breathable nail polish and nail care professional products and all of them are 5-free.

Berenice 42 Enigma is part of the Extravaganza collection, "6 chameleon colors. For those, who are keen on expressive and courageous manicure". From the bottle you can see this nail polish is a purple one but you can clearly notice there's a bronze shade gliding at the corners, too. The question is: will it translate to the nails? Let's check it out!

Enigma is a shimmery purple shade with some sparse microglitters to make it more interesting. Formula is quite watery, which I already experienced with Pink Secret. This makes the colours less opaque than you would expect from such a shade. Application isn't painful anyway, you just need to carefully unload the brush before painting your nails. Drying time is quick and the finish is quite glossy. You can't feel the microglitters at touch, the surface is completely smooth.

As you might know a dark base is great to enhance a duochrome effect. That's why I layered Berenice Enigma over black (H&M Neo Noir).

Photos: black + 2 coats of Enigma. No top coat.


Berenice Beauty 42 Enigma : smalto viola glitterato : purple glittery nail polish @lightyournails

Berenice Beauty 42 Enigma : smalto viola glitterato : purple glittery nail polish @lightyournails

Berenice Beauty 42 Enigma : smalto viola glitterato : purple glittery nail polish @lightyournails


What about the duochrome effect? There's basically none. Enigma looks like the above photos 99% of the times. You can see a plummy red if you move your hands in some weird positions only. I snapped a photo of that, which is kinda cool but don't expect this nail polish to really look like this.


Berenice Beauty 42 Enigma : smalto viola glitterato : purple glittery nail polish @lightyournails


Finally if you are wondering what Berenice Enigma looks like by itself here you go. The colour is lighter and duller, but still pretty.


Berenice Beauty 42 Enigma : smalto viola glitterato : purple glittery nail polish @lightyournails


After taking my photo I added a top coat. A different one from last time should I add. This time it lasted longer, esp. where I used the black base underneath. The nails where I only had Enigma on its own had tipwear pretty fast again. I guess that's recurring with the brand?

Talking of the colour I find it super pretty and deep, perfect for transitioning into Fall with days getting darker and gloomier. I only wished that duochrome effect were always visible!

What do you think of it? Are you also using darker colours with the cold season approaching?


Useful links:



  1. It is a nice color indeed, to bad that the duochrome effect it not always visible, because it has that WOW effect!

  2. Veramente bello, mi piacciono tanto anche quei minuscoli glitterini! :-)

  3. Decisamente l'effetto è migliore sopra la base nera!
    Quando ero alle prime armi gli smalti scuri li snobbavo, ma da quando ho cominciato ad usarli non li ho più mollato!!
    PS: ho preso il rosa salmone di catrice!!

    1. Daiiii! Sono curiosa di sapere cosa ne pensi, spero di vederlo presto sul tuo blog!


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