Sinful Shine Alfresco

Hi everyone!

While I was shopping last Saturday I realized Sinful Shine nail polish range arrived to Italy! I was so excited when I stumbled upon the display, I immediately checked if the most popular shades were there. And they were! I obviously couldn’t resist and I purchased two bottles + the matching top coat. I can already say the first time using that top coat was a no-no.

Anyway, let’s get to the first shade I purchased! It’s Sinful Shine Alfresco, the perfect sky blue creme I would say. I can totally see why this colour is so popular among bloggers and non-bloggers. It’s so pretty. Formula is good, it reminds me of the Catrice ICONails range. It’s watery but easy to apply. You need three coats for perfect coverage. It self levels perfectly and you get a perfect look at the end. I think it’s a little slow drying and using the matching top coat made it worse honestly. I woke up with sheet marks on almost all of my nails. I suggest a fast drying top coat and I’ll use that myself next time.

Photos: three coats. In some I have the top coat on, in some I haven’t. I can’t remember which ones are with or without and I can see no difference.


Sinful Shine Alfresco #smalto #nails #lightyournails

Sinful Shine Alfresco #smalto #nails #lightyournails

Sinful Shine Alfresco #smalto #nails #lightyournails


I can definitely recommend this shade! It lived up to its expectations for sure. I am so happy with my purchase. Only thing I can tell you, again, is to use a fast drying top coat.

Have you ever heard about Sinful Shine nail polish range? And do you like Alfresco?



  1. Ciao Simona! Ho sentito di questa linea di smalti ma in giro non ho trovato niente. Tempo fa da OVS c'era una mega svendita di Sinful Colors a tipo 1.5 euro! Ma erano della linea standard.
    Cmq bello sto colore, di sicuro lucido!
    Un abbraccio

    1. E cmq anche quelli della linea standard sono molto buoni per quel che costano!

  2. I like the color but considering that I don't like to wait to much until the nails are completely dry I would definitely use a quick dry top coat!

  3. Non ho gli smalti Sinful Shine, ma di sicuro vorrei avere questo, mi piace tantissimo! :-)

  4. Ho acquistato qualche smalto Sinful Colors e mi sono trovata bene! Questo colore è bellissimo, proprio un azzurro da cielo limpido in primavera!!
    Ancora non li ho trovati in giro. Peccato per l'asciugatura lenta...e per le tre passate per avere un buon risultato, ma vista la bellezza del colore gli darei una chance!

    1. Di norma se uno smalto richiede 3 passate per me è bocciato, ma in questo caso chiudo un occhio!


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