Yes Love C09

Hi everyone!

Today I’m showing you a nail polish that really surprised me. I purchased it a few years ago and then left it in a drawer somewhere until now. As usual.

Yes Love C09 is a lovely shimmery night blue with a purple undertone to it. Coverage is not what you would expect from such a dark shade, but it’s perfect in two easy coats anyway. Drying time is quick and the finish is very glossy.

Photos: two coats, no top coat.


Yes Love C09 smalto nail polish

Yes Love C09 smalto nail polish

Yes Love C09 smalto nail polish


Can I tell you the truth? I didn’t expect it to be so pretty! And I feel like it might be even better over a dark base. This was such a surprise considering it’s a very cheap brand.

Do you like it?



  1. Che bella sorpresa che ti è uscita dal fondo del cassetto! :-) Mi piace tanto! :-)

    1. E' vero! Ho qualche Yes Love matte che adoro, ma su questo non avevo così tante aspettative, e invece!

  2. Lol! This poor, unloved polish! It's so pretty!

    1. Haha Kerry! I think I have too many polishes needing some love!

  3. I am not a huge fan of metallic blue polishes, but this one is something really special.

    1. I think it's borderline to a glassfleck which really makes it gorgeous!

  4. What a lovely blue! It practically glows!

  5. It's so so pretty.. and the perfect shade of blue!

  6. This is awesome! I love when a mainstream inexpensive brand makes a hit like this!

    1. I agree! They used to have some lovely collections back in time.

  7. E' bellissimo questo colore!! *_*
    Se lo trovo lo prendo al volo!!


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