Fireworks nails

Hi everyone!

Christmas is over and it’s now time to think of New Year’s Eve manis! Any idea yet? I’m undecided between black or blue base and either gold or silver nail art. Today I’m sharing with you a black+silver nail art idea.

My base is H&M Neo Noir stamped with plenty of holographic silver fireworks from Bornprettystore’s BP-184* stamping plate.


Fireworks stamping nail art fuochi d'artificio

Fireworks stamping nail art fuochi d'artificio

Fireworks stamping nail art fuochi d'artificio plate bp184 #bornprettystore #nailart #lightyournails #unghie


Bornpretty stamping plates are always so good and make stamping quick and smooth every single time. I love them.

Not sure if this will be my manicure for New Year’s Eve but I quite like it. What about you?

Dischetto nail art stamping plate BP-184 at Bornprettystore


*pr sample – campione gratuito



  1. Molto belle! Stamping perfetto e l’accoppiamento di colore nero-argento mi piace molto, pensavo di usare lo stesso ma con un gradient!

  2. Il binomio argento-nero è sempre bello, poi con queste stampe fa davvero capodanno!!
    Alla fine hai lasciato questa?

    1. Alla fine ho rotto un'unghia e son stata senza smalto ç_ç

  3. Bella! io ho optato per blu e holo azzurro :D


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