Lady Nail LN208

Hi everyone!

I picked yet another red for the week-end! I hope you aren’t too bored.

This is Lady Nail LN208, a brick red, or maroon nail polish. It’s quite easy to paint but it’s not very opaque. You can easily tell from my pinkie, where I painted thinner coats. It dries super shiny and I quite like this colour.

Ciao a tutti!

Per il fine settimana ho scelto di nuovo il rosso, spero di non essere troppo noiosa.

Questo smalto è Lady Nail LN208, un rosso mattone con una forte componente marrone. Facile da stendere ma non molto coprente, si vede bene dal mignolo dove ho usato pennellate più sottili. In compenso asciuga molto lucido e a me il colore piace molto.

Lady Nail LN208

Lady Nail LN208


Lady Nail is an Italian brand which is well known for its acrylic paints and also carries a wide range of gel polish. Regular nail polish was news to me but this one was quite good so I am glad to know they actually sell some.

What do you think about this colour? Too brownish or still a good red?

Conoscevo Lady Nail per i famosi colori acrilici, e so che hanno tantissimi prodotti per ricostruzione unghie, ma gli smalti “standard” sono stati una sorpresa. Non sapevo che ne avessero e quello di oggi si è rivelato niente male per il momento.

Per oggi è tutto, cosa ne pensate di questo colore? Troppo marrone per voi o ancora un rosso accettabile? ;)


*pr sample – campione gratuito


  1. This is a terrific red! It's not too brown at all. Your pictures always show the polish as being very glossy, so I wonder if it's the polish itself or your top coat?

    1. Thank you Myishia! My photos are always without a top coat unless I state otherwise! This was so glossy without any help!

  2. Quite a rich maroon! Looks pretty on you! <3

  3. I can never get bored of red haha It's such a gorgeous vamp color, I just cannot own enough reds.

  4. These are my favorite kind of reds. It looks very nice on you.

  5. ooohh! Love this vampy shade! looks great on you!

  6. I love vampy colors especially in the winter! This color looks gorgeous on you, too.

  7. This one's a bit too brown toned for me but I do love the shine!

    1. I think it's not for everyone exactly because of that brown tone!

  8. this is lovely on you. A good color for fall!

  9. What a gorgeous vampy color! Looks so fabulous on you!

  10. Such a rich, beautiful color! Looks amazing on you!

  11. Bello ed inteso. E' da femme fatale! :)
    Mi piace tanto e trovo che abbia una bella finitura lucida!


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