Green flowers

Hi everyone!

Today I’m showing you a green and floral nail art, perfect for Spring!

My base colour is Sation Plenty of Frogs , and I stamped over it with A England St. George and Harunouta 07* stamping plate from Bornprettystore.

Green flowers stamping nail art feat. Harunouta 07 plate

Green flowers stamping nail art feat. Harunouta 07 plate

Green flowers stamping nail art feat. Harunouta 07 plate

How pretty is this stamping plate? I definitely wanna try some home made coloured decals with it. Fingers crossed I nail them!

What do you think of today’s mani? Do you like all this sparkle?

Harunouta 07 flowers stamping plate at Bornprettystore


*pr sample



  1. Adoro questi stamping tono su tono!

  2. Pretty green with a fun pattern. I like the cute plate!

  3. come Rebenice, anche a me piacciono molto gli stamp tono su tono :) :)

  4. That Sation polish... in love!! The shimmer... adore it. Great green mani!

  5. Giorgiooooooo Gioooorgiooooooooo <3 Come funzionano bene questi due verdi assieme :)

  6. Gioioso, bello, fresco, perfetto per la primavera! :-)

  7. bello questo abbinamento per lo stamping!


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