Essie Navigate Her

Hi everyone!

Green again!

Essie Navigate Her was released in Spring 2012 with the collection that has its same name. It’s a dusty pistachio green creme. As you might see mine separated a little in the bottle due to the age. However I had no issue applying it. The formula is opaque and you get a perfect manicure in two coats.

Photos: two coats + top coat.


Smalto verde Essie Navigate Her nail polish

Smalto verde Essie Navigate Her nail polish

Smalto verde Essie Navigate Her nail polish


Unfortunately I used a top coat that either didn’t like Navigate Her or doesn’t like Essie as a brand and it messed up the look a little bit. This shade yells Spring to me, too, I find it too boring for Summer. Two reasons for immediately doing a nail art with it! You’ll see it in my next post, stay tuned!

How do you like this shade of green? What season do you think it fits better?



  1. I don`t wear such shades often, but it`s very nice, perfect both for spring and summer.

  2. Molto carino! Aspetto la nail art con trepidazione ;-)

    1. Grazie :D Anche se chiamarla nail art forse è troppo in effetti :D

  3. It is gorgeous, cheery shade of green.

  4. Mi piace la tonalità, vorrei vederlo in versione matte... E non vedo l'ora di vedere la nail art che hai creato! :-)

    1. In realtà ho provato anche a farlo matte ma non mi è piaciuto tanto quindi non ho fatto foto...

  5. I think this was actually the first Essie I ever bought. I haven't used it in a while though so thank you for the reminder!

  6. È un tocco di verde che mi piace moltissimo e non è semplice trovare, comunque io lo trovi adatto anche a ora!!


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