OPI I saw.. U saw.. We saw.. Warsaw

Hi everyone!

It's time for letter I in the Untried A-Z challenge and I picked I saw.. U saw.. We saw.. Warsaw from OPI's Spring 2013 Euro Centrale collection.

This is a blue creme with quite a glossy finish. Application is easy but it's very pigmented so it's a pain to get off the cuticles upon cleaning. I was afraid it might be a stainer but I can happily report it's not. Drying time is ok.

Photos: two coats, no top coat.


Smalto lacca blu OPI I saw.. U saw.. We saw.. Warsaw blue creme nail polish #unghie #nails #OPI

Smalto lacca blu OPI I saw.. U saw.. We saw.. Warsaw blue creme nail polish #unghie #nails #OPI

Smalto lacca blu OPI I saw.. U saw.. We saw.. Warsaw blue creme nail polish #unghie #nails #OPI #lightyournails


Can you see those brushstrokes in the pics? They disappeared after applying top coat.

What's your thought on this OPI? I think it's a beautiful blue!



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