ABC challenge: H&M Jungle Me

Hi everyone!

How are you today? Me, I am quite tired but so glad it's Friday!

Keeping up with ABC challenge it's time for letter J and I decided to wear Jungle Me by H&M.

H&M Jungle Me is quite an old polish since the brand launched its new beauty line late last year renovating all the existing products.

H&M Jungle Me is a bright green with silver shimmer. A pretty nice shade for my taste! It applies very easily and has quite a good staying power, too. I removed it on day 4 and I just had minor tip wear.

Two coats + top coat.

H&M Jungle Me

H&M Jungle Me

I've always been a fan of H&M nail polishes. They had pretty colours and a cheap price tag. I had no chance to test the new line, yet, but I've heard wonders about the new creamy shades. I don't like they raised the prices though.

I guess that's it! How do you like H&M Jungle Me? And have you tested the new colours?


  1. Sono rimasta indietro con l'alfabeto! Cmq questo è proprio carino, bellissimo da usare per delle belle margherite bianche, io ho già voglia di primavera!

  2. Ohhh I just love these color! And look at your nails, they are looking faaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous! <3 <3 <3

  3. I think this is a really good green polish! The shimmer makes it a little extra nice :)

  4. I like such greens, they look tropical ;)

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  6. Davvero un bel verde, e il fatto che mi piccia un smalto di questa tonalità si può considerare un miracolo

  7. That is a very nice shade of green! I have not tried the new shades form H&M yet, but this one looks like a keeper

    1. Thank you Dina! I hope the new shades are just as good!

  8. I love green polish, and this one is fantastic!

  9. This is so pretty! I always see these great swatches of H&M polishes and I never get around buying them. What's wrong with me!?! LOL

    1. I've been like that for a few shades and totally regretted not buying them before they were discontinued!

  10. It is such a bright and happy shade of green.

  11. Che questo genere di verdi solitamente non mi piaccia, oramai, lo sanno anche i muri, MA.... lo shimmer! Ecco, con quello shimmer lo metterei anche subito.
    Ho un paio di H&M vecchia guardia e sono ancora untried... X_X

  12. That's such a beautiful outfit :)

  13. Ohh that's a gorgeous shade of green!

  14. Unfortunately I can't get H & M polishes in my area, but they caught my attention with that holo earlier in the year!

    1. I know!! Unfortunately I couldn't find it anywhere, I think it was an early release of the new collection and we got it too late.


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