Bornpretty holo polish H004 Magnificent Time

Hi everyone!

Today I’m quickly showing you H004 Magnificent Time* which is a pink holo nail polish by Bornprettystore. It was released with the second holo collection by Bornpretty. I’ve already blogged about H001 Shine in The Dark and H010 Heart of Gold from that same series.

Bornpretty H004 Magnificent Time is the standard pink holo with a strong linear effect. Application is very easy, same as the other 2 I’ve tested. Again, it needs no special base coat. It’s opaque at first coat if you paint it thick enough, or you can do two thin coats. I feel like its holo flame is slightly weaker than the other two shades I’ve tried. But the big problem here is the lack of lasting power. Like it doesn’t last at all. I had major tip wear the morning after and major chipping in the afternoon! And I’ve used 3 coats + top coat exactly because I wanted it to last.

Let’s see it anyway. In the photos it’s two coats, no top coat.


Bornpretty pink holo polish H004 Magnificent Time smalto olografico rosa

Bornpretty pink holo polish H004 Magnificent Time smalto olografico rosa

Bornpretty pink holo polish H004 Magnificent Time smalto olografico rosa


Honestly I can’t recommend it at all. Any brand that released holos at some point had this same shade of pink, and some of them were way better. This doesn’t mean all these holos are bad, because some shades are actually awesome. Heart of Gold was a favourite for example. It’s a colour you can’t really find in a holo polish unless you are purchasing an indie brand.

Have you ever purchased from Bornpretty? Did you like what you got?



*pr sample – campione gratuito



  1. Such a lovely shade but stinks it has bad wear time

  2. This sounds like a standard holo from back in 2012 when Layla came out with them. So chippy. Bummer because it's pretty.

    1. The formulas are quite different as the Layla definitely needed an aqua base. Also, Layla didn't last so little on me! The final effect is pretty much similar though.

  3. Spettacolo, lo adoro! Ho anche io ma una favola davvero!

  4. Non ho mai provato gli smalti di questo marchio, ne ho uno di colore similissimo di Shaka e mi trovo bene, qualche giorno in più dura!
    Un bacione!

  5. It looks beautiful in pictures, but it's so disappointing to know about it's lasting time, especially when it's a holo. :(

  6. Sorry to hear that it doesn't last well on you because it is quite pretty!

  7. Holy holo, Batman!! Pretty polishes are great, but I can't get past the stench. I get migraines so easily. Stinky polishes have no business in my home. :(

    1. Do you feel like they stink? Some of their standard polishes do, but I don't smell anything here.

  8. I've only ever purchased plates from BPS but some of these polishes are stunning.

    1. You should give a try at their first holos and stamping polishes!

  9. Their polishes are hit and miss on wear time for me too, I find they really disagree with Seche Vite which I tend to use too

    1. I tend to change colour quite quickly but none of them has lasted this little on me. I haven't used Seche either. Bummer.

  10. Ohh that's so sad.. these shades usually last quite long, so that's really bad quality if it chips within one night! But the shade is beautiful and you've captured that flame perfectly as always, which makes me want it nonetheless ;) maybe it stamps? That way it could still be of use.

    1. Ohh thank you! I hadn't think about stamping, thanks for the tip, I'll sure test it!

  11. Sad about the longevity, but it still looks gorgeous!

  12. Oh wow, such amazing holo!


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